PSA to any Miracle Voyagers

Hiya everyone!

I appreciate the kind comments I've received on this project, however recently I've been informed of a bug that made Stage 5 just loop one specific fairy pattern after a certain point. All because I forgot to reset one variable. ONE variable. And because of that, the midboss of the stage, and consequently, the final boss of said game which i spent the whole last day of the jam coding. I'm distraught by this, and incredibly sorry to those who've played the original bugged version.

In a panic, I accidentally overwrote the original, bugged version when uploading it due to them sharing file names, however, everyone has seemed to deem it fine since the loop being fixed was the only thing that was changed. Thank you so much for playing the game, and again, I'm so sorry to the 22 people who downloaded the bugged version. I heavily urge you to download the new version instead [The only change is the afformentioned Stage 5 loop fix]

I apologise that this is just a repeat of what I wrote on the jam's page, however I thought I'd send this devlog out just to be safe. Very sorry to anyone who was expecting this to be a big postjam update.


Jam Version [UNPATCHED] 110 MB
7 days ago

Get Miracle Voyage

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