A downloadable gayme for Windows

Update- v0.1.1 Released!
After seeing a friend play the 0.1.0 release of the game, I realised there were some REALLY bad bugs lying in wait, almost all of them caused by small coding oversights. Thus, I bring you v0.1.1. PLEASE play this version instead of the original, it's the exact same game, just with these game-ruining bugs fixed.

[Also to clarify, this was made still within our team's extension window, so it would still count as the jam version for judgement purposes. The only reason we're keeping 0.1.0 up is because, to my knowledge, we cannot remove old versions during the jam window.]

Love Coloured Magic ~ The Witch who stole her heart
Marisa woke up after a party to find she had made a bet with the dreaded Gap Youkai that hinges on if she can get a girlfriend by the next Netherworld Flower Viewing Festival, unaware that the festival would be happening tonight. With only a day to spare, Marisa must choose one of three girls to date, as she doesn't exactly want to know what she'll owe the gap youkai if she doesn't!

The game was planned to have 3 routes, though this obviously didn't pan out due to how badly I overscoped the game, however, we currently have one of the routes complete, being Patchouli's, and we plan on adding the others in an update, so stay tuned for that ^^

This game is a hybrid of a Danmaku game and a Visual Novel, so you'll get both an entertaining story and exciting bullet-hell battles! Though you can retry as many times as you want during the main story, if you want a more traditional touhou experience, you can do so with Legacy mode once you've beaten the main game!

We hope you have fun ^^

Keyboard Controls

Arrow Keys- Navigate Menus / Move
Z- Select / Shoot
X- Go back / Bomb
Escape- Pause
Control-  Skip Text

Gamepad Controls

Left Stick- Navigate Menus / Move
West Button- Select / Shoot
South Button- Go back / Bomb
Start- Pause
Select-  Skip Text

Published 2 days ago
StatusIn development
GenreVisual Novel
TagsBullet Hell, danmaku, Gay, Touhou


Love Coloured Magic- Jam Version (Fixed) [0.1.1] 121 MB
Love Coloured Magic- Jam Version [0.1.0] 121 MB

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